
Trading system data model


trading system data model

Oracle Trading Data Architecture TCA is a data model that allows you to manage complex information about the model, or customers, who belong to your commercial community, including organizations, locations, model the network of hierarchical relationships among them. Oracle Data Community Architecture is the foundation for Supplier Management. This information is maintained in the TCA Registrysystem is the single source of trading community information for Oracle E-Business Suite applications. These applications, as well as TCA itself, provide user interfaces, batch data entry functionality, and other features for you to view, create, and update Registry information. The key entities in TCA that are used by Supplier Management are:. Entities trading type Person or Organization that can enter into business relationships. Parties can also be of type Relationship. For example, Joe as himself is a party of type Person, but Joe as a contact for Vision Corporation is a party of type Relationship. Every party in the TCA Registry has a unique Registry ID. TCA includes an extensive variety of information for parties, for example party name, addresses, contacts, and contact points. Joe as a person can have a personal phone number that differs from the phone number for the relationship of Joe as a contact. People who data a contact or employment relationship with an organization or person. Means of contact, for example, phone and e-mail address. TCA also includes conceptual functionality that helps you manage and understand your trading community. For example, you can use relationships to model the data that parties play with respect to one another, and classifications to classify entities. Various applications in the Oracle E-Business Suite can view, create, and update the TCA Registry data. Because this information is shared, any change made in one application is reflected in all applications. TCA itself provides the Trading Community Manager responsibility, which includes these features that trading can use to maintain, enrich, and cleanse the TCA Registry. The following features have also been exposed from Supplier management application, Supplier Data Librarian Administrator responsibility, under the Administration tab:. Import batches of party data in bulk from external source trading into the TCA Registry. See Bulk Import Overview, Oracle Trading Community Architecture User Guide. Create batches of potentially duplicate parties system merge. See Batch Duplicate Identification Overview, Oracle Trading Community Architecture User Guide. Cleanse the TCA Registry by merging duplicate parties and duplicate sites within a party. See Party Merge Overview, Oracle Trading Community Architecture User Guide. Third Party Data Integration: See Third Party Data Integration Overview in Oracle Trading Community Architecture User Guide. Create and manage relationships system existing parties in the TCA Registry. See Relationship Manager Overview in Oracle Trading Community Architecture User Guide. Generate time zones for phones. See Generate Time Zone for Phone Numbers in Oracle Trading Community Architecture User Guide. Since TCA forms the foundation of Oracle Supplier Management, many TCA features are enabled in Supplier Management. See the following list to set up these features and to know how they may affect Supplier Management:. Setting up Third Party Data Integration: See Setting Up Third Party Data Integration in Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration Guide. Setting up Party Merge: Party Merge involves merging parties that are confirmed as duplicates, trading from a duplicate identification batch or a manually created merge batch. This is a key feature of Supplier Hub. See Setting Up Party Merge in Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration Guide. Setting up Business Events: Business events signal the creation or update of information in the TCA Registry. You can attach your own callout subscriptions to the events to perform additional business logic without modifying TCA. This infrastructure is based on the Oracle Workflow Business Event System. See Setting up Business Events in Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration Guide. Setting up Workflow Directory Synchronization: As Oracle Trading Community Architecture TCA is a source of Oracle Workflow user and role information; the information stored in the TCA tables must be synchronized with the de-normalized information in the Workflow local model. See Setting Up Workflow Directory Synchronization in Oracle Trading Model Architecture Administration Guide. Setting up Real-Time Address Validation: Real-time address validation validates addresses during address entry. See Setting Up Real-Time Address Validation in Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration Guide. Setting up Relationship Manager: Relationship Manager allows users to manage relationships among existing parties in the TCA Registry. Relationship Manager uses the relationship types that you administer. This is used to maintain supplier hierarchy in the Supplier Master. See Setting Up Relationship Manager in Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration Guide. Oracle Trading Community Architecture TCA administration features let you set up, control and manage functionality that affect data in the TCA Registry. You can administer these TCA tools and features to best fit your business needs. The following table illustrates TCA administration features available from Oracle System Data Librarian Administrator responsibility under the Administration tab:. Oracle Supplier Management does not support TCA Extensions. Oracle Supplier Management Implementation and Administration Guide Release trading system data model

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